
Vampires, Metaphorically.

A strange state of being has come over me recently, one that I am not totally unaware of. I've had this feeling many times before in my life, although at those times I had no clue what to call it, how to think of it. It wasn't until my best friend began to have the same transformation, at the same time, that we had any idea what to call it. We are vampires.

I eat little, I sleep little, I spend long hours indoors and especially in the dark hours of the night. My emotions are dead, I feel nothing except a sense of purpose that I work towards. I have gotten more writing done than I have in the whole time I've been here at this college. At the same time, I work out insane amounts, dangerous amounts. Sex is different, harder, and yet I seek it like a man in the desert seeks water. My mind is crystal clear, I think better than I ever have before, and yet at the same time I know that it is clouded, that there is something deathly wrong with me, no matter how much I like it.

In the end, I am still a man, but I have come into contact with something that is not man, something inside myself that is better in many ways and yet worse in many others. I have come into touch with the part of the man that is a beast, have come into touch with the darker and more primitive feelings that men generally lock away. I have come into touch with my beast, and that makes me a vampire.

When you strip away all the religious undertones that generally don't have any place in modern vampire myths anyway, these are the basic traits of any vampire. They are faster, stronger, more beautiful, and yet less human. They do not sleep, and they spend all their time in the dark. How is this any different than what I am doing right now? Perhaps it is a bit of a stretch, but I would like to think that, right now, I am becoming a vampire. It explains me perfectly, both my weaknesses and perfections.

Perhaps it is true that I am not actually a vampire, but that means nothing. The human mind is what creates reality, is what defines our lives. It is the human mind which imbues anything with meaning and purpose. And I choose to imbue myself with the image of the vampire. I wonder when I'll come back to earth as a regular human being.

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